Behind the Desk: Victoria’s Secret Associates on Their Fitness Vision for 2025

With each New Year comes renewed hope, dedication, and goals. While it can feel exciting to spend some time focusing on your vision for 2025, it can also feel overwhelming.
Well, we’re here to say that your New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be complicated or layered, especially your fitness goals. They can be as simple as walking to your favorite store (cough, cough) instead of driving or using public transportation (yes, shopping totally counts as cardio), intentionally choosing to add in a vegetable a week to achieve a more balanced diet, or reserving five minutes to yourself a day.
Remember, it doesn’t matter how big or small, simplified or exaggerated your resolutions are for the new year, because the goal is to set a task you (without any outside judgement) are interested in achieving. To help inspire you to set your own goals, we’ve asked some members of the Victoria’s Secret team to share their resolutions for 2025.

“My New Year’s resolution is to add cardio into my routine. I have always absolutely detested cardio, so I stick to things like weightlifting and Pilates, but I’m jealous of the freedom it seems like running gives people. I want to learn how to enjoy it, or at the very least, tolerate it.”
— Katie, Senior Copywriter

“As a distance runner for many years, I’ve run plenty of half-marathons and a couple full marathons. But now my next challenge is to run a half-marathon trail race. There’s a different mindset with trail running that has to be executed. Things like running in elevation, taking consideration of hills, ditches, and mud. And then there’s also the isolation of being on a mountain top without spectators, like the street racing I’ve done in the past. That’s my goal for 2025.”
— Derek, Senior Website Designer

“Health is always a top priority for me and 2025 will be no different. I plan to push myself a bit more physically by tapping into Tracy Anderson classes to boost my strength and cardio. I’m also finding inspiration in the healing powers of ancient Tamil wellness rituals—I’ve already made five DIY recipes from my new favorite book, Love, Paati (like Gooseberry Tea) and I plan to keep going until I’ve made them all.”
— Faith, Copy Manager

“As a long-distance runner, my New Year’s resolution is to check off more major marathons. I have both the London and Chicago marathon this year. I have not run either so being able to travel to new places and run new marathons will be such an awesome goal to look forward to.”
— Colleen, Marketing Specialist

“My New Year’s resolution is to work up the courage to try reformer Pilates. I have always been a weightlifter but have been adding more low-intensity workouts into my routine recently. Typically, I sign up for Pilates classes but always cancel because I’m nervous I’ll fall off the reformer. My goal is to make it to the studio this year!”
— Jordan, Marketing Specialist